Chlorpyrifos listed under Prop 65

Chlorpyrifos listed under Prop 65

Pursuant to Prop 65 the Developmental and Reproductive Toxicity Identification Committee (DARTIC) under OEHHA made the decision to list chlorpyrifos under Proposition 65 as a developmental toxicant. Chlorpyrifos is one of the most widely-used active ingredients in...

Prop 65 Listing for Roundup

By Lee N. Smith Download the PDF here    OEHHA has proposed thatglyphosate be listed with a No Significant Risk Level (NSRL) of 1100 microgramsper day. For chemicals assessed under Prop 65 for cancer sets a threshold risk level which represents no significant risk...
New Prop 65 Regulations have Been Approved

New Prop 65 Regulations have Been Approved

To download the PDF click here. In August 2016 OEHHA finalized the new Prop 65 Warning regulations. In summary, there is new safe harbor language, a new website for consumers, and attempts to clarify liability as between manufacturers and retailers. The new...